Buswell Biomedical INC may have a CPA. Lets hope 4th time is the Charm. Taxes for the C-corp are due in August and apparently taxes for the LLC that ceased to be should have been filed for last year. Debbie Hylander is her name. Hylander Accounting Firm is the Name of the Company it is in Tennessee. I recorded 3 podcast but none have been released The Book "Is this Seat for Me?" has 30 Reviews on Amazon,5 on Goodreads, 5 on Audible.

I am a finalist for the Rosie Networks Military Connected awards!!

Womens Fast Pich regional finals were August 17. The Winner was Carianne Vargas presenting The Business Smartcharts.

Buswell Biomedical will hold a meeting in October. There were only 2 replies this far, please let me know if you can or can not make any dates.